Product heating table silver clay(NL)

The silver clay to bake a variety of ways, here you will find a table that makes it clear what is and is not.

How can I fire silver clay?
Regular Art Clay Silver is bake 3 ways, the new Art Clay Silver 950 Professional is only in the oven.

1: With a grille on the gasstove,
2: With a micro torch,
3: In a special hobby kiln (kiln or enamel rob). Fire your silver clay always long enough off better too long than too short. The larger your workpiece, the longer it must be Fired. Look at the product heating table to see which method you can use and how long it needs to be baked.


  1. Regular Silver Clay fired at the stove.
    On the stove, you can fire smaller pieces of 10 to 15 grams of easy firing. By placing the workpiece on a grate at the place where the fire touches grate. Make sure the clay fired long enough, fire longer will not hurt but too short baking ensures that your work can be broken. Begin timing once the silver has an orange glow inside. This is the temperature at which the silver is sintering. The silver can not melt on the grid because the grid receives a portion of the heat and dispersed.
    NOTE: This method is not suitable for the new Art Clay Silver 950 Professional

  2. Regular Silver Clay firing with a burner.
    firing with a soldering gun requires some practice. With a burner is the danger that the workpiece becomes too hot and melts. In order to avoid this you have to move off and on with the flame in circles. This allows you to keep control over the process. If your piece begins to glow, it is important that we maintain this heating long enough. Provide a surface that is heat resistant, a fiberboard or ceramic tile, or a charcoal grill are some examples.
    NOTE: This method is not suitable for the new Art Clay Silver 950 Professional

  3. Regular Silver Clay fired in a kiln.
    It is important that the furnace temperature is set so that our work piece is not too hot and melt. 800 °C is a frequently used temperature. A kiln gives you (when properly baked) control over the process, what considerably reduces the risk of breakage. Pleasant to a kiln is that you can work with other materials such as glass, gold foil, gold paste, enamel, and other metal clays.

  4. Art Clay Silver 950 Professional firing in a kiln.
    Put your workpiece in a cold kiln and heating the 1st stage to 500 °C for 10 min in order to let out the binder burn, now go through the 2nd stage, and heating by a simple rate to 870 °C for a minimum of 1 hour and allow to cool to a minimum of 200 °C or cold before taking out your piece.