Flexible mold Butterfly and baroque, 2 pcs

  • Description

Mold set of very flexible silicone. Butterflies and Baroque style

These molds are very flexible. They can be used for silver and metal clay.

Use good fresh flexible clay or syringe clay to fill the mold. Note that the butterflies are very thin and fragile if you only fill the mold. With tape you can define an area so that not too much clay is lost. .

We recommend drying on a hot plate or in a household oven at 100°C. If the clay has shrunk too deeply into the mold after drying, put a good layer of paste over it.

It is best to remove from the mold carefully with a toothpick. Carefully press the mold down all around, repeat this until you can go under it with the pick. And carefully lift the clay.
You don't have to clean the edges as they will fuse with your base if you use water or paste to attach the clay to the base. Very large pieces can be carefully cut away with a knife or needle tool.

    Delivery time:2-3 dagen
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